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Pay Attention To Post-Accident Discomfort


While the moments following a car collision can be filled with adrenaline and shock, you should not assume you are physically fine solely because you did not sustain a visibly severe injury. It is important to pay attention to the subtle signs of discomfort that your body may be experiencing after an incident. Having annoying pain assessed by a doctor means you are taking your body’s cues seriously and recognizing them as potential indicators of larger injuries.

Visits with a healthcare provider protects your overall well-being. Plus, medical documentation that clearly connects an event, in this instance a car accident, with injuries strengthens insurance claims, if you choose to move forward with a filing. If you aren’t sure if you have a valid injury claim or not but do have medical bills as a result of having your post-accident complaints addressed by a medical professional, discuss your case with an Orlando personal injury attorney. Always speak to a top Orlando accident injury lawyer before speaking to any insurance company.

A Range of Discomforts Are Possible

After a car collision, many individuals do not feel their best and go home to rest, thinking that will be enough to recover. Sometimes home rest is just what is needed, but in other circumstances pain is an indicator of larger injuries lurking beneath the surface.

For example, having neck and shoulder pain is reported by a lot of Florida accident victims. The effects of whiplash, a term that refers to a soft tissue injury resulting from the rapid back-and-forth motion of the head, can be felt days or even weeks after an incident. Then, individuals may begin to experience stiffness, pain, and limited range of motion.

Back pain is another health concern that may not surface immediately, but persistent discomfort in the days following an accident could be due to sprains, strains, or more extensive harm. And headaches that are dismissed as an annoyance could be felt due to concussions. In some cases, persistent or worsening headaches are signs of even more severe harm.

Care Beyond Self-Treatment

Caring for yourself and hoping for the best is tempting for Floridians who want to move on with their lives, but while rest and ice may offer some relief, consulting with a licensed healthcare professional ensures that you receive proper treatment. Underestimating the physical harm sustained in an auto accident is common, but seeking medical care is key to healing properly and connecting with injury settlements if you choose to pursue an injury claim.

Recovering from an accident is about physical healing, but it’s also about securing the compensation you deserve for the pain and suffering caused by someone else’s negligence on the road. You do not need to learn the ins and outs of injury law during this stressful time, instead turn to an expert. Connect with an Orlando personal injury attorney.

Keep in mind that under Florida’s No-Fault law, you have to seek medical treatment within 14 days from the date of the accident or you lose your rights to claim up to $10,000.00 in medical and/or lost wage benefits.  This is one more reason why delaying or ignoring symptoms after an accident is a bad idea and could impact your health and possible monetary compensation.

Are you experiencing post-accident pain? Do not ignore discomfort in the days following a collision. If you are worried about the expense of seeing a doctor, discuss financial compensation with the attorneys at Israoui Law. For the personal attention you deserve, call 407-381-4529.

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