What Is An LOP?

The abbreviation LOP stands for a letter of protection. Essentially, an LOP is a legally binding document that a Florida personal injury lawyer who is representing a harmed individual will send to their doctor or medical provider, guaranteeing payment to them out of a future settlement. This can be an important for many Florida residents who are injured in car, truck or motorcycle accidents, especially if they have had significant or severe injuries in an accident and need to consult with specialists or have surgery.
After all, the range of health insurance coverage is wide. Some have plans that cover the majority of their medical expenses as a work benefit. Others access coverage through the health exchange, a marketplace where insurance is purchased. The exchange has grown in popularity in the last decade as it is in line with the Affordable Care Act, which was signed into law in 2010 to reduce the number of Americans who were uninsured or underinsured.
If you suspect an LOP could help you, or if your medical team has requested an LOP, connect with an Orlando car accident lawyer to learn about what is possible given the details of your Florida accident injury.
Out-of-Network Providers and PIP
The reasons why LOPs are needed depend on the situation. People with high deductible insurance plans or individuals who are uninsured may need documentation to access the medical care to heal in some circumstances. For others, they are trying to access care from a medical professional who is out of their insurance network.
Additionally, some injured parties are assuming they will be able to lean on their personal injury protection (PIP) to pay off their medical bills. But in most situations, PIP coverage will max out at 80% of medical expenses up to ten thousand dollars. Understanding all of your insurance plans is part of accessing the treatments you need from doctors, medical care centers, and hospitals.
Discuss LOPs with Your Attorney
Strengthening your position each step of the way is advised because you will be personally responsible for remaining balances. Talk to an Orlando car accident lawyer to learn about all the tools you have to protect your finances and access the healthcare you need after a Florida accident.
Would an LOP stating you will be able to pay for your care in the future help you receive the care you need now? Share the facts of your case with a skilled Orlando personal injury attorney at Israoui Law to determine a strong path forward for you and your family. Documentation is often part of receiving the best healthcare and the desired financial outcome. Once our attorneys are familiar with the facts of your case and have reviewed the insurance policies and settlement offers involved, a path forward can be paved. If you are ready to get your claim started, talk to our skilled Florida personal injury lawyers, call 407-381-4529. Always speak to an experienced accident attorney before speaking to any insurance company.